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Times Square

March 27, 2011

I commend to you Jeremiah’s investigation into a single block of Times Square — 7th Avenue between 47th and 48th.

Here’s just a taste:

It’s nighttime on Times Square. Standing on the northern end of the block, on the corner of 48th and 7th Ave., start off the night with an Orange Julius and a hot dog to charge your batteries. Next, duck into the Doll theater, where the “Sexsational School for Sex Arts” beckons you above a sign for “Live XXX Acts.” Take a seat inside and enjoy the double features interspersed with live sex performances, both onstage and in the audience members’ laps.

Russ Kick writes that The Doll “was basically a mellow, secure place. Less assault-prone than 8th Avenue’s Venus, although Japanese tourists were frequent targets for toilet muggings.” Dom Deluise cruises by–he gives you an autograph. “The projectionist sold Percodans,” says Kick, “the live sex-show teams sold coke and pot.” Choose your poison.

I am a huge fan of Orange Julius, although I’m not sure I’ve had one in decades. Now they’re only in malls I think. Is that one in the subway gone? where was it? 34th Street, or was it actually Times Square? And, while we’re on the subject, what the hell was in that powder they put in their drinks anyhow? Never mind, I don’t really want to know.

But enough about frothy orange drinks, it was really all about the porno theaters, wasn’t it? I loved checking out those marquees with the mix and match movie titles that you could adjust in any order and they made perfect sense. Those were the days.

erotic sex hot wet & succulent

5 Comments leave one →
  1. March 27, 2011 11:41 pm

    One of my great memories of my youth is going to see a film in Times Square. Mid 80s and I must have been 17 or so, but looked 12. The Old man in the threadbare tux in the ticket window asked us how old we were, we squeaked out “18” and he just stared at us. From the open door behind him appeared the manager, who looked at us and said, “it’s cold out, let ’em in”.

    I’ve been traumatized ever since.

  2. March 28, 2011 3:12 pm

    I’m glad I made it here while the porno was still in full swing in Times Square. I was just there today and walked by where the Howard Johnson’s used to be and it about made me want to throw up.

    • March 28, 2011 3:36 pm

      Never made it to the Hojos, but heard it was great. Well not great, but “great”.

      • March 28, 2011 5:34 pm

        There was a little orange bar in the back and there were always characters in there. And the bartender was usually this crabby old woman. A great people watching place.

        • Fat Al permalink*
          March 28, 2011 10:38 pm

          I loved that bar. And the milk shakes over at the regular counter were pretty damn good in their own right.

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